about us we know that most of us have been doing this for a very long time and there is a lot of fatigue and doubt when it comes to joining new communities with new or old characters. we hope to change that by just asking for writers who are motivated to engage to give us a chance and some effort.

before you join you should know that we are not a smut or dating app driven community. we expect the mindset of every writer that joins to be one that is here to develop their characters and in character relationships of all kinds. friendship & family lines should take precedent over romantic storylines and when interacting your goals should be to develop in character relationships organically. to be clear, we are not down on romantic and smut-driven sls. they are just as important to character development as those other types of relationships. we just want to foster in a community where writers care about what is going on in the community outside of their romantic sls and even their own character's friend groups. we beg for non-judgemental writers. come in friendly! if you struggle with this please change your attitude or do not join. do not ignore people cause they aren't as active as you think they should be, do not cross ooc/ic boundaries and don't be an asshole. characters of all kinds are welcome here. if someone isn't your bread and butter, leave them alone.

disclaimer: we have no affiliation with the former iteration of this community, as we only purchased this journal from the owner in tradingspaces.

organic rules you may join with sibling lines (step, half and adopted are also welcome) and a roommate line. everything else must be organic. we ask that you do not take advantage of what we allow to try to pack down your storylines as much as possible. we ask that you please advertis and stay active in pbads but keep in mind that you should not be spending more time in pbads than you are on the fp commenting intros, your customs, activities and updates. too many times we have been in communities with friendships that never answer our comments but post in pbads 2+ times a day. no one that joins for you will stay if you do not interact so please be focused on ic interaction.

application process our application process is easy but we do expect effort. when you join with an ic/ooc journal you must also have an ic and ooc journal post up. backdate them both so that they are not on the fp and please double check to be considerate so we do not have to spend time asking for you to do so after adds.

your out of character post should have a bio using a code that you have made or from one of the communities listed in our resources. we need all of the basic facts about your character in addition to a blurb made up of only 150 - 500 words. your blurb can be their personality or their general background as long as you have a basic idea for your character beyond their name and occupation you are set!

because of the uptick in rude number journals leaving comments on people's screened posts we do ask that you change your comment settings to only accept comments from friended journals. this seems to be the newest recommendation among pb communities and we agree.

when you apply it is imperative that you request membership to the main community (landscapes). to streamline the application process, we will not be replying too application comments. instead we will approve your membership request and that will be your acceptance email. once you are accepted you will be added to the mod journal and this post will give you all the direction you will need to move forward. your application will then be screened for 24 and then deleted.

if your request to join the main community was declined that means you have been rejected. we do not answer comments about rejections. we do reserve the right to reject anyone that did not follow the rules while applying, or that we do not think would be a good fit for community.

activity expectations congrats! you've been accepted! now it's time to intro! you have 72 hours to post an intro and reply to all of your comments. you will be removed if: you do not run the button within 48 hours or you do not reply to the comments on your intro within 24. if you intro and then get busy let us know otherwise you will be treated as a doa member.

we don't think it's unreasonable to ask that you post once a month. since we are an organic community we feel interacting with other members on the fp is more important than worrying about two updates when you're busy. your update can be anything you want but you should put some effort in since it is all you are required to do. members are required to reply to intros and posts on the fp. at the moment we will not be rigidly tracking this but most people can tell when someone is putting in effort and when someone isn't. falling into cliques and ignoring new members is easy and if we see it happening we will remove people. we are not saying we expect you to reply to every single post or even be around every single day. we know that is impossible. just don't be the kind of member that is around only when it is required and missing for the rest of the month.

removals removals will occur on the 1st or 2nd of a new month depending on mod availability. we will run an activity check around the 20th of every month. with that knowledge, plan on letting us know if you will not be around around those days so that you do not get removed. if you are on hiatus during an activity check you will not be removed and your pb will be safe.

dating app while we are not a dating app/smut focused community we still have a dating app for your dating profiles. your apps should be posted in your journal and backdated. then you should link it in mount, our dating app community. this community is optional. if you want it on your fp, you have to manually add it so that it shows up. these communities normally flood fps so we do not recommend it.

et cetera community is a journal based community and messaging/chatting apps are 100% banned. use of these apps will get your character removed and banned from the community. if you are often mobile, please use gmail in your browser like the rest of us to respond.